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20 pickleball coaches in Chicago, IL

Paul Chang

Paul Chang

Teaches at 45 nearby locations


(95 ratings)


per lesson

3+ Years Teaching

Teaches at 45 nearby locations

3+ Years Teaching

Chris Jinks

Chris Jinks

Teaches at 4 nearby locations


(46 ratings)


per lesson

3+ Years Teaching

Teaches at 4 nearby locations

3+ Years Teaching

Christian Bokich

Christian Bokich

Teaches at 70 nearby locations


(46 ratings)


per lesson

Teaches at 70 nearby locations

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Kirk Fox

Kirk Fox

Teaches at 17 nearby locations


(40 ratings)


per lesson

Teaches at 17 nearby locations

Jonathan River

Jonathan River

Teaches at 15 nearby locations


(31 ratings)


per lesson

3+ Years Teaching

Teaches at 15 nearby locations

3+ Years Teaching

Jerry Huo

Jerry Huo

Teaches at 8 nearby locations


(30 ratings)


per lesson

5.0+ DUPR Rating | 4.75+ DUPR Rating | 3+ Years Teaching

Teaches at 8 nearby locations

5.0+ DUPR Rating | 4.75+ DUPR Rating | 3+ Years Teaching

Ryan Gahol

Ryan Gahol

Teaches at 16 nearby locations


(29 ratings)


per lesson

3+ Years Teaching

Teaches at 16 nearby locations

3+ Years Teaching

Christopher Klein

Christopher Klein

Teaches at 6 nearby locations


(28 ratings)


per lesson

Teaches at 6 nearby locations

Arcot Naresh

Arcot Naresh

Teaches at 12 nearby locations


(25 ratings)


per lesson

4.75+ DUPR Rating | 2+ Years Teaching

Teaches at 12 nearby locations

4.75+ DUPR Rating | 2+ Years Teaching

Robert Lattas

Robert Lattas

Teaches at 14 nearby locations


(22 ratings)


per lesson

Teaches at 14 nearby locations

Arian Khoroushi

Arian Khoroushi

Teaches at 3 nearby locations


(21 ratings)


per lesson

3+ Years Teaching

Teaches at 3 nearby locations

3+ Years Teaching

Mick Brown

Mick Brown

Teaches at 7 nearby locations


(13 ratings)


per lesson

3+ Years Teaching

Teaches at 7 nearby locations

3+ Years Teaching

Jeff Rosenberg

Jeff Rosenberg

Teaches at 9 nearby locations


(10 ratings)


per lesson

4.75+ DUPR Rating

Teaches at 9 nearby locations

4.75+ DUPR Rating

Tejas Sekhar

Tejas Sekhar

Teaches at 6 nearby locations


(10 ratings)


per lesson

2+ Years Teaching | 3+ Years Teaching

Teaches at 6 nearby locations

2+ Years Teaching | 3+ Years Teaching

Hardik Patel

Hardik Patel

Teaches at 8 nearby locations


(6 ratings)


per lesson

Teaches at 8 nearby locations

Ghouse Khaja

Ghouse Khaja

Teaches at 10 nearby locations


(5 ratings)


per lesson

Teaches at 10 nearby locations

Jaronn Watkins

Jaronn Watkins

Teaches at 8 nearby locations


(3 ratings)


per lesson

Teaches at 8 nearby locations

Michael Jesselson

Michael Jesselson

Teaches at 15 nearby locations


(3 ratings)


per lesson

Teaches at 15 nearby locations

Bruce Geary

Bruce Geary

Teaches at 26 nearby locations


(2 ratings)


per lesson

Teaches at 26 nearby locations

Jamie Powers

Jamie Powers

Teaches at 5 nearby locations


(1 rating)


per lesson

Teaches at 5 nearby locations

No places found


Pickleball in Chicago

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