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Recently Added Courts in Nevada
14 Courts
Perm. Lines
Perm. Nets
14 Courts
Perm. Lines
Perm. Nets
19 Courts
Perm. Lines
Portable Nets
11 Courts
Perm. Lines
Perm. Nets
Most Popular Courts in Nevada
Sunset Park Pickleball Complex
24 Courts
Perm. Lines
Perm. Nets
7 Courts
Perm. Lines
Perm. Nets
13 Courts
Perm. Lines
Perm. Nets
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About the pickleball scene in Nevada
Every city you can play pickleball in Nevada
Las Vegas|38 locations|182 courts|91 lessonsHenderson|16 locations|105 courts|61 lessonsReno|16 locations|99 courts|26 lessonsSparks|7 locations|21 courts|12 lessonsMesquite|6 locations|42 courtsNorth Las Vegas|5 locations|16 courts|1 lessonGardnerville|4 locations|27 courtsCarson City|3 locations|24 courts|1 lessonFallon|3 locations|11 courtsBoulder City|2 locations|6 courtsElko|2 locations|8 courtsFernley|2 locations|3 courtsIncline Village|2 locations|18 courts|1 lessonPahrump|2 locations|4 courtsBracken|1 location|0 courtsMinden|1 location|2 courtsSmith Valley|1 location|2 courtsStateline|1 location|4 courtsSummerlin South|1 location|4 courtsWest Wendover|1 location|0 courts
Every location you can find pickleball courts in Nevada
ABC Park|Boulder City|2 courtsAlf Sorensen Community Center|Sparks|2 courtsAloha Shores Park|Las Vegas|4 courtsAnthem Country Club|Henderson|4 courtsArdiente|North Las Vegas|4 courtsArrowCreek Residents' Center|Reno|4 courtsAventura Park|Henderson|2 courtsBill and Lillie Heinrich YMCA|Las Vegas|3 courtsBill Briare Park|Las Vegas|4 courtsBlack Mountain Recreation Center & Aquatic Complex|Henderson|6 courtsBob Price Recreation Center|Las Vegas|6 courtsBoulder City Recreation Center|Boulder City|4 courtsBoys And Girls Club Of Truckee Meadows|Reno|8 courtsBoys & Girls Club of Winnemucca|Winnemucca|2 courtsBurgess Park|Sparks|4 courtsCadence Central Park|Henderson|2 courtsCanyon gate country club|Bracken|0 courtsCanyon Gate Country Club|Las Vegas|6 courtsCarson City MAC Center|Carson City|12 courtsCaughlin Athletic Club|Reno|8 courts
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